1 Chronicles
8. Jesus Is Our Straightener (1 Chronicles)
b. The Death of A King - 10:1-14
1) The Record of The Death of A King - 10:1-12
a) The Actions of The Battle - 10:1-6
(1) The Slaughter - 10:1-3
(a) The Fleeing of The King's Sons - 10:1
(b) The Fate of The King's Sons - 10:2,3
(2) The Suicide - 10:4-6
(a) The Command - 10:4a
(b) The Consternation - 10:4b
(d) The Conclusion - 10:4c,-6
b) The Aftermath of The Battle - 10:7-12
(1) The Routing - 10:7
(2) The Ridicule - 10:8-10
(3) The R . . .
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