a. A Lowly Person - 1:1-2:23
1) The Feast That Was Extended - 1:1-3
a) The Ruling Preeminence - 1:1,2
b) The Reigning Politicians - 1:3a
c) The Recognized Powers - 1:3b
2) The Fortune of A Kingdom - 1:4
3) The Festivities That Were Engaged - 1:5-9
4) The Furiousness of A King - 1:10-12
5) The Finality of A Queen - 1:13-22
a) The Delegation - 1:13,14
b) The Discussion - 1:15-20
(1) The Problem With The Queen - 1:15
(2) The Performance of The Queen - 1:16-18
(3) The Penalty For The Queen - 1:19,20
(4) The P. . .
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