10. Jesus Is Our Scribe (Ezra)
a. A Return - 1:1-3:13
1) The Sovereign That Energizes History - 1:1-4
a) God Motivated A Proclamation - 1:1,2
(1) The Prophecy of This Proclamation - 1:1a
(2) The Penning of This Proclamation - 1:1b
(3) The Person of This Proclamation - 1:2a
(4) The Place of This Proclamation - 1:2b
b) God Moved A People - 1:3
c) God Made A Provision - 1:4
2) The Secrets That Explain Obedience - 1:5,6
a) God Will Move Our Spirit To Heed - 1:5
b) God Will Move Our S. . .
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