b. Jesus Is Our Standard (Jeremiah)
1) The Call of A Prophet - 1:1-19
a) The Recruited Servant - 1:1-5
(1) The Called Prophet - 1:1-3
(2) The Chosen Prophet - 1:4,5
b) The Reluctant Servant - 1: 6
c) The Reassured Servant - 1:7-10
d) The Recognizing Servant - 1:11-16
(1) The Recognition of God's Dream - 1:11,12
(2) The Recognition of God's Direction - 1:13-16
(a) The Calamities - 1:13,14
(b) The Calling - 1:15
(c) The Cautions - 1:16a
(d) The C. . .
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