4. Jesus Is Our Sustenance (Numbers)
a. The Older Generation In The Wilderness - 1:1-19:22
1) Discipline In The Wilderness - 1-1-9:14
a) Counted - 1:1-4:49
(1) The Figures Posted - 1:1-46
(a) The Names of The Tribal Leaders - 1:1-16
(1)) The Circumstances - 1:1
(2)) The Command - 1:2-4
(a)) Counted By Families - 1:2a
(b)) Counted By Name - 1:2b
(c)) Counted By Gender - 1:2c
(d)) Counted By Age - 1:3
(e)) Counted By Position - 1:4
(3)) The C . . .
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